When you need to temporarily leave your Mac unattended, it’s a hassle to put it to sleep and wake it up again. What’s the quickest way? Set up a simple keyboard shortcut that shows your Mac’s login screen without logging you out.

Screensaver Mac Clock

Mac users have a bunch of different ways to prevent others from snooping on their Mac when they need to step away for a few minutes. Some like to set up a hot corner that starts their screensaver. Others like to click a menu bar icon that turns off their display. There are even some 3rd party apps that add this functionality. The problem with these approaches is that they cut off some background processes or require system preferences to be configured a certain way. These seem like workarounds rather than real solutions.

Mac OS X only: Screen locker utility LockTight adds a shortcut key combination for OS X users to quickly lock your workstation from the keyboard. Keyboard shortcut. To start the screensaver using a combination of keys on your keyboard, you will first have to create a shortcut like the above, either on your desktop or another location. The reason for this is that it is not possible to attach a keyboard shortcut directly to a screensaver file. If the screen saver starts, you can press the X button and click on Save, naming it something easy to find (like “Start Screen Saver”). If it doesn't work, read each instruction carefully and try again, or activate screensaver in your System Preferences. With macOS 10.13 there is now a dedicated screen lock feature which can be invoked with this new shortcut: ⌃ + ⌘ + Q (Control + Command + Q) Other Updates. In Mac OS X terminology this shortcut puts the display immediately to sleep. A website listing this and other shortcuts can be found here. Create Screen Saver Shortcuts for Mac. So, these are the cool screen saver shortcuts for Mac. I hope you have found these hacks quite helpful. From what I can tell, they can prove to be pretty handy in letting you get the most out of screen savers.

An even better way to lock your Mac’s screen is to press a quick keyboard shortcut that instantly shows a login screen without closing any of the things you were working on. It requires just a couple minutes to set up initially – here’s how:

Lock Screen Service

  1. Launch Automator from your Applications folder.
  2. Select “Service” as the document type.
  3. Select “Utilities” from the list on the left, then double-click “Run Shell Script” in the next column.
  4. On the top-right side of the screen, adjust the drop-down menus so the statement reads: “Service receives [no input] in [any application]”
  5. Copy the following command into the large text box that appears:

    /System/Library/CoreServices/'Menu Extras'/User.menu/Contents/Resources/CGSession -suspend

  6. Go to File > Save and name your service “Lock Screen”. Once saved, you can now quit Automator.

Lock Screen Keyboard Shortcut

  1. Launch System Preferences and go to the Keyboard pane.
  2. Next, select the “Keyboard Shortcuts” tab. From the list on the left, select “Application Shortcuts”. Click on the plus (+) button below to add your new shortcut.
  3. In the dialog box we’ll want to leave “All Applications” selected in the first menu. Enter “Lock Screen” as the Menu Title. Please note this has to be exactly the same name you entered when saving the service in Automator. Finally, enter your keyboard shortcut. Let’s go with Command+Shift+L.
  4. Click Add and you’re all done!

Now when you press your keyboard shortcut (Command+Shift+L), the Mac login screen will immediately be displayed. You’re still technically logged in and processes such as large downloads will continue in the background. But you can leave your Mac unattended without worry – no one will be able to access your account until you enter your password. When you do, everything on your desktop will be there just as you left it!

The original idea behind screensavers is that after a certain period of inactivity, the image on the screen would be replaced to prevent it from literally getting burned into the glass of the monitor. However, sometimes you may also want to launch a screensaver on demand, instead of having to wait for a specific amount of time to pass.


You can, of course, achieve this by opening the Screen Saver Settings panel, selecting the screensaver in the list, and clicking 'Preview', but a much quicker way would be to create a desktop or keyboard shortcut that immediately starts the screensaver.

This how-to guide will help you to easily create such shortcuts.

Finding the screensaver on your hard drive

One way to create a shortcut to a screensaver is to link the shortcut to the screensaver file on your hard drive. Since screensavers behave much like other executable applications, simply double-clicking a screensaver file will launch the screensaver. Finding the file is not necessarily easy, however, as the destination location can vary for each screensaver. To find screensavers on your hard drive, please see: Where are screensavers stored in Windows?

Unable to find the file? We discuss some alternative methods at the bottom of the page.

Creating a shortcut

Once you have successfully located the screensaver file on your computer, you can make a shortcut with just a few mouse clicks. First, you want to make sure that the screensaver can be manually started. Simply double-click the screensaver file to launch it.

If it does not start, you may have selected the wrong file. In the explorer, make sure it says 'Screensaver' in the 'Type' column, next to the filename, change date and the file size.

Desktop shortcut

To place a shortcut to the screensaver on your Windows desktop:

  1. Right-click the screensaver file to bring up the context menu;
  2. Select 'Copy to', then click 'Desktop (create shortcut)'.

A simple shortcut to the selected screensaver should now appear on your desktop.

Keyboard shortcut

To start the screensaver using a combination of keys on your keyboard, you will first have to create a shortcut like the above, either on your desktop or another location. The reason for this is that it is not possible to attach a keyboard shortcut directly to a screensaver file. Once you have created such a shortcut, however, here's how to set up the keyboard shortcut:

  1. Right-click the shortcut you created to bring up the context menu;
  2. Select 'Properties', then make sure the 'Shortcut' tab is selected;
  3. Click once in the field to the right of 'Shortcut:', then press the preferred combination of keys, such as 'CTRL' + 'ALT' + 'S', on your keyboard;
  4. The key combination should appear in the shortcut field. If you are satisfied with the chosen combination, click 'OK' at the bottom of the window.

You can now, at any time, use the chosen combination of keys to launch the screensaver.

Other ways to launch the current screensaver

If you have been unable to locate the screensaver file, or any of the above methods would not work for you, there are some alternative ways to launch the current screensaver.

PowerShell shortcut

PowerShell is a scripting tool for Windows that allows advanced users to perform complex tasks. It also allows you to do things that might not be possible, or more cumbersome, via the graphical interface that Windows offers. The below command tells PowerShell to check the Windows registry for the currently selected screensaver, and then launches it:

powershell.exe -command '& (Get-ItemProperty ‘HKCU:Control PanelDesktop’).{SCRNSAVE.EXE}'

Hotkey For Screensaver Mac

To turn this into a desktop shortcut:

  1. Right-click on an empty area of your desktop;
  2. Select 'New', then click 'Shortcut';
  3. Enter the above command into the location field, then click 'Next';
  4. Give the shortcut a name and click 'Finish'.

The shortcut should now appear on your desktop. Double-click it to see if it works.

Mac Os Hotkeys

To attach a combination of keys to this shortcut, see 'Keyboard shortcut' above.

If PowerShell is not currently installed on your computer, you may need to download it first.

Hotkey For Screensaver Mac Os

Saver Starter

Screensaver Mac Os X

If all else fails, consider downloading SaverStarter, a freeware application for Windows that allows a screensaver to be started by moving the mouse over a corner of the screen.

Hopefully, you have now succeeded in creating a shortcut to your screensaver. If not, feel free to contact us at any time with your questions. We're happy to help.

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